Indonesia is a big country with a rich culture and ethnics. One of the ethnics is Chinese. Although Chinese in Indonesian is a minority, but their existency had been admitted by government and the society.
Chinese Indonesian is about 3.1% of Indonesia population, but the ten most richest man in Indonesia mostly come from Chinese. It makes sense because most of Chinese are traders and expert in major scale economy.
Besides traders, some Chinese Peoples in Indonesian are involving in enterntainment. Not suprised to say because most of the chinese have a beautiful, skinny, and oriental figure. Many of them even are very talented.
Some of Indonesia Chinese Actor such as Agnes Monica, Delon, Sandra Dewi, and so more.
Here is list of Indonesian Chinese, with several profession start from academia, activist, arts, until sports :
dr. A. Oetojo,Sp.THT
Arief Budiman (Sociologist, brother of Soe Hok Gie) - Professor at the University of Melbourne, formerly at Satya Wacana Christian University[1]
Budi Setyadi / Kwee Han Tiong, surgeon
Djohan Salim, Music Psychologist
Vincent's Genesius Evans, Educational Motivator, Teacher
Hadi Soesastro, economist and political scientist (international relations)
dr.Harman, Obs. Gynecology
HOK Tanzil, Microbiologist
dr. Indro Handojo
dr.Jozep Lukman Ojong, Cardiologist
Jusuf Wanandi, political scientist (international relations)
Kwik Kian Gie, economist
Melani Budianta (Literary scholar) - First Chinese Indonesian woman to become professor at the School of Humanities in the University of Indonesia[2]
Ong Hok Ham, historian
dr.Ratna Maitri, Dermatologist
Soe Tjen Marching, feminist academic, composer, writer
dr.Sudarto Oeiria, Dermatologist and Plastic Surgeon
Thee Kian Wie, economist
Tjia May On, physicist
Yohanes Surya, physicist
Dede Oetomo, gay rights activist
Esther Indahyani Yusuf, human rights activist, recipient of Yap Thiam Hien Award.
Soe Hok Gie, political analyst and activist in 1960s
Wahyu Effendy, human rights activist
Wilarsih, human rights activist
Yap Thiam Hien, human rights activist / public defender
Agnes Monica, actress and singer
Bubi Chen, Jazz musician
Daniel Mananta, presenter
Deddy Corbuzier, magician
Desta, Club 80's band member, grandson of Kho Ping Hoo
Delon Liaw (Hakka), runner-up of Indonesian Idol 2004.
Dominique Diyose, photo model
Edric Tjandra, comedian and actor
Ferry Salim, presenter, actor
Hanung Bramantyo, movie director
Jahja Ling, conductor and music director
Jaya Suprana, businessman, comedian, linguist, composer, musician, TV talk
Iwan Sastrawijaya, head of blackboard show host.
Katherine Keng, presenter
Lenna Tan, presenter, actress, and photo model
Lim Tjoan Hok (Teguh Karya), movie director
Liem Goan Lay (Halim HD), artist and theatre activist
Olga Lydia, presenter, photo model
Peter Sie, fashion designer
Robby Tumewu, actor
Roger Danuartha, actor
Sandra Angelia, Miss Indonesia World 2008
Sandra Dewi, actress
Susan Bachtiar, presenter
Thé Tjong-Khing, Dutch children's book artist/author.
Willie Dozan, actor and stuntman
Yuanita Christiani, actress and presenter/host.
Felix Tan (Tan Fay Tjhion), columnist and lecturer in University of Hawaii
Kho Ping Hoo alias Asmaraman Sukowati, novelist
Myra Sidharta (Ew Yong Tjhoen Moy)
Ang Kang Ho, Managing Director, PT Imora Motor (current Honda Jakarta Center)
Bob Hasan, entrepreneur, minister of forestry until 1998
Ciputra, entrepreneur
Dharmadi Budiman, prime Director and owner, PT Imora motor (current Honda Jakarta Center)
Eka Tjipta Widjaja, entrepreneur, founder of Sinar Mas Group
Hermawan Kartajaya, marketing guru, president of World Marketing Association
Ivan Young, entrepreneur, founder of Krupuk Sehat
Ivan Margono, entrepreneur, founder of Sari Jati
James Riady, entrepreneur
Jaya Suprana (Poa Kok Tjian), businessman, head of Jamu Jago
Kimun Ongkosandjojo (Ong Kiem Oen), entrepreneur, co-founder of Jamu Air Mancur
Martua Sitorus,(Tio Seng Hap) entrepreneur
Tommy Winata, entrepreneur Artha Graha Group
Mochtar Riady, entrepreneur, founder of Lippo Group
Oei Tiong Ham, entrepreneur
Polyman SAT, entrepreneur
Prajogo Pangestu (Phang Jun Phen) 彭云鹏 (Hakka), Timber tycoon, Indonesia
Putera Sampoerna, entrepreneur
Rachman Halim (Tjoa To Hing), businessman, leader of Gudang Garam
Rudy Hindrotanojo (Tan Kiat Hien), entrepreneur, co-founder of Jamu Air Mancur
Sofjan Wanandi, entrepreneur
Sudono Salim, entrepreneur, founder of Salim Group
Sukanto Tanoto, entrepreneur, one of the richest Indonesian
Trihatma Kusuma Haliman, entrepreneur, founder of Agung Podomoro Group
Tung Desem Waringin, motivator
William Suryadjaja, entrepreneur, founder of Astra International
Peter Sondakh, entrepreneur, founder of Rajawali Corporation
Michael Budi Hartono, entrepreneur Djarum Group
Christianto Wibisono, economics analyst
Hadi Soesastro, economist/intellectual, Executive Director of CSIS.
Kwik Kian Gie, coordinating minister of economics and finance 1999-2000; minister of national development planning 2001-2004
Lin Che Wei, economics analyst
Mari Pangestu, Minister of Trade (2004-2009), former Executive Director of CSIS.
Auw Jong Peng Koen (PK Ojong), co-founder of Kompas
Jakob Oetama, entrepreneur
Sindhunata, journalist and priest
Gho Hu Se, combatant during the Dutch police action war.
John Lie a.k.a Jahja Daniel Dharma, served the Indonesian Navy by setting up clandestine weapons procurement operations during the Dutch blockades from 1947 to 1949. He continued serving the Navy during the 1961-1963 Mandala campaigns before retiring as Rear Admiral.
Teddy Jusuf
Alvin Lie, member of parliament from PAN
Eko Maulana Ali, Governor of Bangka Belitung, Belitong
Harry Tjan Silalahi, former student activist in 1960s, former member of the Supreme Advisory Council, former member of the Parliament, intellectual focusing on politics and policy studies, Co-Founder of CSIS.
Jusuf Wanandi, former student activist in 1960s, former representative in the People’s Consultative Assembly, intellectual focusing on policy and strategic studies, Co-Founder of CSIS.
Kwik Kian Gie, PDIP politician, former minister in the administrations of Abdurrahman Wahid and Megawati Sukarnoputri.
Mari Pangestu, Minister of Trade in the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004 - present)
Oei Tjoe Tat, Old Order politician and once President Sukarno's advisor
Yap Tjwan Bing, member of the Committee for the Preparation of Indonesia’s Independence (PPKI)
Anton Medan, Islamic preacher
Caleb Tong, evangelist
Junus Jahja (Lauw Chuan Tho), Muslim assimilation activist
Muhammad Syafii Antonio, Islamic Banking Expert.
Stephen Tong, evangelist
Alan Budikusuma, badminton star and 1992 Olympic gold medalist
Angelique Widjaja, Tennis athlete
Ardi B Wiranata, badminton star
Candra Wijaya, badminton star and 2000 Olympic gold medalist with Tony Gunawan for men's doubles
Chris John, Boxing world champion (WBA featherweight, 2003 - present)
Christian Hadinata, badminton star
Eng Hian, badminton star
Evelyne Marzuki, poker player
Felix Sutanto, sea games swimmer
Ferry Sonneville, badminton star
Gogi Nebulana , World Wushu Champion, Gold in Sword, Beijing 2007
Hendrawan, badminton world champion
Hermawan Susanto, badminton star
John Juanda, poker player, fulltiltpoker star
Liem Swie King, badminton legend
Nanda Octaviani, soccer Player
Njoo Ing Hin, player and kyokushin fighter
Richard Sambera, swimmer
Ronald Susilo, badminton star based in Singapore
Rudy Hartono, badminton legend, 8-time winner of the All-England Cuphttp://draft.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=2449991293031036725
Susi Susanti, badminton star and 1992 Olympic gold medalist
Suwandi, tennis player
Tan Joe Hok, Indonesia badminton legend
Tjun Tjun, badminton star
Tony Gunawan, badminton star and 2000 Olympic gold medalist with Candra Wijaya for men's doubles
Wynne Prakusya, Tennis athlete
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